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Main publications

In preparation & submitted

i. López-Idiáquez, D., Doutrelant, C., Pearman, P.B. Global patterns of colouration complexity in the Paridae: effects of climate and species characteristics across body regions. In preparation.

ii. López-Idiáquez, D., Cole, E.F., Regan, C.E., Sheldon, B.C.  Phenological plasticity enables six decades of thermal homeostasis in a wild bird population. Submitted

iii. Martínez-Padilla, J., Camacho, C., Canal, D., Muriel, J., López-Idiáquez, D., Potti, J. Parasites during early life mediate the strength of phenotypic selection on sexual traits. In preparation.

iv. Kraft, F-L., Bliard, L., Gallego-Abenza, M., El Harouchi, M., López-Idiáquez, D., Lan, M., Muriel, J., Rajan, S., Tuvillo, T., Burguess, M., Cantarero, A., Martinez-Padilla, J., Visser, M., Wheatcroft, D. Sex differences in early-life song discrimination in pied flycatchers. In preparation.

v. Sandmeyer, L., López-Idiáquez, D., Fargevieille, A., del Rey, M., Charmantier, A., Doutrelant, C., Grégoire, A. Disentangling urbanisation, climate effects and their interaction on ornamental colourations. Submitted


12. López-Idiáquez, D., Teplitsky, C, Fargevielle, A., del Rey, M., Mercier Gauthier, R., de Franceschi, C., Charmantier, A., Doutrelant, C., Reale, D. Sex-dependent integration of ornamentation, personality, morphology and life history. Behavioral Ecology. LINK

11. Salmón, P., López-Idiáquez, D., Capilla-Lasheras, P., Pérez-Tris, J., Isaksson, C., Watson, H. Urbanisation impacts plumage colouration in a songbird across Europe: evidence from a correlational, experimental and meta-analytical approach. Journal of Animal Ecology. LINK


10. Wheatcroft, D., Bliard, L., El Harouchi, M., López-Idiáquez, D., Kärkkäinen, T., Kraft, F-L., Muriel, J., Rajan, S., Tuvillo, T., Cantarero, A., Laaksonen, T., Martínez-Padilla, J., Visser, M., Qvarnström. Song dialects drive species discrimination in nestling songbirds. Current Biology. LINK

9. López-Idiáquez, D., Teplitsky, C., Grégoire, A., Fargevieille, A., del Rey, M., de Franceschi, C., Charmantier, A., Doutrelant, C. Long-term decrease in colouration: a consequence of climate change? The American Naturalist. LINK


8. Martínez-Padilla, J., Fargallo, J.A., Carrillo-Hidalgo, J., López-Jiménez, N., López-Idiáquez, D. Cernícalo vulgar-Falco tinnunculus in Libro Rojo de las Aves de España. SEO/Birdlife. [Book chapter] LINK 


7. López-Idiáquez, D., Canal, D., Calleja, I., Frade, A., Sarasola, J.H. First record of shrimp consumption by the Chimango caracara (Milvago chimango). Journal of Raptor Research LINK

6. López-Idiáquez, D., Fargallo, J.A., López-Rull, I., Martínez-Padilla, J. Plumage colouration and personality in early-life: sexual differences in signalling. IBIS. LINK


5. López-Idiáquez, D., Vergara, P., Fargallo, J.A., Martínez-Padilla, J. Providing longer Post-fledgling dependence periods increases offspring survival at the expense of future fecundity. PLoS One. LINK

4. ​López-Arrabé, J., López-Idiáquez, D., Serrano-Davies, E., Payo, A., Badás, E.P., Espinosa, A.R., Mellado, A., Ruiz-Castellano, C., Ruiz-Raya, F., Meseguer, A., Bastianelli, G., Donoso, I., Ferraguti, M., Weisshaupt, N., Ceresa, F. PhD Dissertations Reviews in Ornithology (2017-2018 Academic Year). Ardeola LINK


3. Martínez-Padilla, J*., López-Idiáquez, D*., López-Perea, J.J., Mateo, R., Paz, A., Viñuela, J. A Negative association between bromadiolone exposure and nestling body condition in common kestrels: management implications for vole outbreaks. Pest Management Science. (* Joint first authorshipLINK


2. López-Idiáquez, D., Vergara, P., Fargallo, J.A., Martínez-Padilla, J. Female plumage colouration signals status to conspecifics. Animal Behaviour. LINK

1. López-Idiáquez, D., Vergara, P., Fargallo, J.A., Martínez-Padilla, J. Old males reduce melanin-pigmented traits and increase reproductive outcome under worse environmental conditions in common kestrels. Ecology and Evolution. LINK


i. López-Idiáquez, D., Cole, E.F., Regan, C.E., Sheldon, B.C.  Phenological plasticity enables six decades of thermal homeostasis in a wild bird population. bioRxiv. LINK

ii. Martínez-Padilla, J., Camacho, C., Canal, D., Muriel, J., López-Idiáquez, D., Potti, J. Parasites during early life mediate the strength of phenotypic selection on sexual traits. EcoEvoRxiv. LINK

Science dissemination


6. López-Idiáquez, D. The great tits in this Oxford wood are adapting their breeding time as climate changes - here's how. The Conversation. LINK


5. López-Idiáquez, D. EOU Conferences: A perfect platform for sharing your research. BOU blog LINK

4. López-Idiáquez, D., Capilla-Lasheras, P., Salmón, P. Tintes de ciudad: los efectos de la vida urbana sobre la coloración de las aves. The Conversation. LINK. *In Spanish


3. López-Idiáquez, D. El cambio climático está robando el color a las aves. The Conversation. LINK. *In Spanish


2. López-Idiáquez, D. The Post-fledgling dependence period. Naturalmente 21: 46-51 (Journal of the National Natural History Museum). LINK. *In Spanish


1. López-Idiáquez, D. The Dark Side of the Nestling: Darker nestlings display bolder personalities, but only if they are female. BOU Blog. LINK

Thesis and dissertations

López-Idiáquez, D. (2017). Environmental influences on the expression and selection of melanin based traits in the common kestrels (Falco tinnunculus). PhD ThesisUniversidad Autónoma de Madrid. Supervisor: Jesús Martínez-Padilla   LINK

López-Idiáquez, D. (2013). Melanin-based traits in the Common Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus): informative content, environmental regulation, and inter-relationship. MSc Thesis. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Supervisor: Pablo Vergara

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